About Optimal Water Technologies

Optimal Water Technologies is a detail oriented industrial water treatment provider offering customized technical based comprehensive solutions and customer service that are second to none. In short, at Optimal our goal is to help our customers achieve their goals.

At Optimal Water we feel strongly that true expert consultative resources are who our customers want to partner with. Our highly skilled staff has decades of experience treating various systems of all types and sizes. We believe in order to deliver the reliability and sustainability our customers demand we must understand the entire system. This is where our expertise pays dividends, Optimal leverages this to help our customers realize their environmental, production, and optimization goals.

Our Mission

Partnering with our customers as true consultants, safely applying environmentally responsible customized treatment solutions, helping them achieve their goals.

Our prior experience and exposure to a variety of systems, commitment to customer service and ability to provide premium consultative services are what differentiates us from our competitors. The bulk of that experience has been gained from multiple types of complex industrial assets and systems operating in unforgiving environments that demand first-time quality.

Many of our competitors fail to realize the mechanical and operational components of your facility’s systems are equally important for a treatment program to be successful. For our customers, having Optimal Water Technologies as a partner means having veteran water treatment experts accountable to your total operation focused on improving reliability and sustainability while also identifying opportunities to reduce the environmental footprint and drive cost out of the process.

We are grateful for every opportunity and look forward to becoming a trusted partner our customers can depend on.

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Steam & Hot Water


Pretreatment, Feed Water & Condensate


Cooling Water


Influent & Effluent Water Treatment